1. ホーム
  2. We Love Miso
  3. We Love MISO for International
  4. Konnyaku MISO Oden

We Love MISO for International

Konnyaku MISO Oden

Konnyaku MISO Oden


  • Rice Miso5 tbsp
  • Konnyaku1 piece
  • Sugar5 tbsp
  • Sake3 tbsp
  • Mirin4 tbsp
  • Yuzu & Kinome (Japanese pepper leaf)Appropriately sized piece

Gunma Prefecture is well-known for konnyaku (arum root), and is Japan’s No. 1 prefecture by harvest volume.
Accounting for some 90% of market share, Gunma Prefecture has many local cuisines featuring konnyaku. One of these local dishes is konnyaku MISO oden, a dish featuring boiled konnyaku topped with a MISO-based sauce. Konnyaku MISO oden is particularly popular in the winter months.
Winters in Gunma are known for the cold winds that blow down from the mountain ranges and a relatively dry climate. As such, residents often make oden, a dish that helps warm the body from the inside.
